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Lazydocker installation guide

Lazydocker is a terminal based UI tool that allows to manage containers, images and volumes for Docker and Docker Compose. Lazydocker is an open-source project written in the Go programming language.

Prepare environment

Before starting, make sure you have installed Docker. 

Install Lazydocker

Get the latest version tag of Lazydocker release from GitHub. Assign version tag to variable.
LAZYDOCKER_VERSION=$(curl -s "" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K[0-9.]+')
Download archive from releases page of the Lazydocker repository.
curl -Lo lazydocker.tar.gz "${LAZYDOCKER_VERSION}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz"
Unzip archive:
mkdir lazydocker-temp
tar xf lazydocker.tar.gz -C lazydocker-temp
Move binary file to /usr/local/bin directory:
sudo mv lazydocker-temp/lazydocker /usr/local/bin

Now lazydocker can be used as a system-wide command for all users.

We can check Lazydocker version:
lazydocker --version
Archive and temporary directory is no longer necessary, remove them:
rm -rf lazydocker.tar.gz lazydocker-temp

Testing Lazydocker

Run hello-world image inside a container:
docker run hello-world
Start Lazydocker:


You will see all of your images, containers, and volumes.

Press CTRL+C, to exit Lazydocker.

Install issues
Permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

This is not an error it a choice of security!! 

If you receive this message it is most likely because you did not give your user the permissions to access the Docker daemon without the use of sudo. This is usually done during install, you can check the Docker guide: Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine

Uninstall Lazydocker

If you decided to completely remove Lazydocker, delete the binary file:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/lazydocker

You can also remove Lazydocker config directory:

rm -rf ~/.config/lazydocker

Credit to Lindevs for most of the guide. Check out many of their other software install guides and more!