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Tape Measure Basic Step Up - SDK File & Virtualenv

This setup guide is for Windows 10/11 & Mac users only!

System Requirements:

  • Must have any python version above 3.6 (3.8 recommended).
    • No python? No problem! Download it here.

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  • You also must have a python code editor such as Virtual Studio Code (my choice but up to you).
    • Download VS Code here. Make sure you install the one for your OS.
    • Please be sure to install the python extension.

*Click on the extensions button

A screenshot of a computer

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*Type “python” into the search bar and it should be the first option by Microsoft

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Spot SDK File:

  • Open Command Prompt and paste in the command:
    • git clone
  • This should automatically install and unzip the Spot SDK
  • If this doesn't work please install Git bash here.
  • If you're on Mac install homebrew by pasting:
    • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" 
    • If you don't want to install it there is a manual way to do it further down.

*Should look like this:

A computer screen shot of a black screen

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  • After that we need to open the SDK as a workspace in Vs Code.
    • (Skip this and do your own thing if you’re using a different software).
  • To do this we need to locate the spot-sdk file. It will be located at were ever you indicated before the git clone command. In this example case it’s located in drive C -> folder user -> Caicheng Li; giving you the address: C:\Users\Caicheng Li.
  • If your on Mac open Finder -> Home -> spot-sdk
  • Left click on the file and there should be an option to “Open with Code".
  • If your on windows 11 you have to click on “show more options”
  • If your on Mac open VS code and select open folder then refind the spot-sdk and open that file in vs code.

*Should look something like this:

A screenshot of a computer

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A screenshot of a computer program

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  • This is how you will access the spot-sdk (more on why it’s important in a later doc)

If this for some reason does not work for you, you can manually install it by going here.

*Click on the green “Code” button

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*Then click Download ZIP

A screenshot of a computer

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*After it finishes downloading, right-click on the folder in your download and click on extract all

A screenshot of a computer

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*Open the extracted folder and right-click it to “Open with Code.”

*It should look something like this, with the contents of the folder on either the left- or right-hand side of the window.

A screenshot of a computer program

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  • This is how you will access the spot-sdk (more on why it’s important in a later doc)

Pip Installation:

  • Open command prompt again.
  • To check if you have pip installed use the command:
    • py.exe -3 -m pip --version

For Windows 11/Mac users:

  • If you’re on windows 11 use the command:
    • python.exe -m pip --version
  • If you're on Mac use:
    • python3 -m pip --version
    • Pip comes preinstalled with python 3.4 and above so you should be good.
  • It should always return a pip version number such as 19.2.1 (Version doesn't matter).
  • If it pops up with nothing or an error contact one of the leads.


  • This is the program you'll run commands in so it's important!
  • Open up command prompt again and paste in:
    • py.exe -3 -m pip install virtualenv
  • Then paste:
    • py.exe -3 -m virtualenv my_spot_env
  • Then:
    • .\my_spot_env\Scripts\activate.bat

For Windows 11/Mac users:

  • If your on windows 11 paste in:
    • python.exe -m pip install virtualenv
  • Then:
    • python.exe -m virtualenv my_spot_env
  • Then:
    • .\my_spot_env\Scripts\activate.bat

  • If your on Mac paste in:
    • python3 -m pip install virtualenv
  • Then:
    • python3 -m virtualenv my_spot_env
  • Then:
    • source my_spot_env/bin/activate

*Should look like something like this:

A screenshot of a computer screen

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  • To go out of the virtual environment type in:
    • deactivate
  • This should get rid of “(my_spot_env)”

Spot Packages

  • Make sure you're NOT in the virtual environment.
  • Paste in the command:
    • python.exe -m pip install --upgrade bosdyn-client bosdyn-mission bosdyn-choreography-client
  • For Mac users:
    • python3 -m pip install --upgrade bosdyn-client bosdyn-mission bosdyn-choreography-client
  • To verify you’ve installed correctly type in:
    • python.exe -m pip list --format=columns | findstr bosdyn
  • For Mac users:
    • python3 -m pip list --format=columns | grep bosdyn

*Should look something like this:

A black screen with white text

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  • Next go into your python terminal by typing
    • python.exe
  • Mac:
    • python3
  • Then paste:
    • import bosdyn.client
  • Then:
    • help(bosdyn.client)

*Should look like this:

A screenshot of a computer program

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After this you're all set up! If you run into any trouble while setting up contact @Cai or @Dwight Howard, II on Discord.