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52 total results found



Following the documentation here Build The Extension This directory contains a script that can be used to create an l4t-based Spot Extension for this example. This will create a file spot_detect_and_follow.spx, which can be uploaded to th...

Tape Measure Basic Step Up - SDK File & Virtualenv

Resources Setup to work with TapeMeasure

This setup guide is for Windows 10/11 & Mac users only! System Requirements: Must have any python version above 3.6 (3.8 recommended). No python? No problem! Download it here. You also must have a python code editor such as Virtual Studio Cod...

Competition Resources

PEP24 Competition Info


PEP24 Power and Control

Research Paper for Hydrofoils     

3D Printing

3D Printer Profiles

PrusaSlicer_config_bundle.ini   3D print server

How to build an extension

CORE I/O Extensions

Running Test Containers TODO. We have included .bat files that show the process of building Docker images using our scripts and then running those images as containers. If you having trouble getting the concepts down, try using the Docker Desktop GUI to ge...


CORE I/O Basics

Connecting through SPOT The Spot CORE I/O can also be set up to use Spot as a router in order to access the internet if Spot is connected. When the default route of the Spot CORE I/O is set to (Spot), it can access the same networks as the robot....

Ubuntu Example Docker

Resources Docker

What is an Extension?

CORE I/O Extensions

Boston Dynamics explanation of an Extension  Extensions are software packages or static files introduced in 3.2 that can be installed or simply uploaded to the CORE I/O or Scout platforms. Configured as software packages, Extensions provide the functionality...

Vice President Responsibilities

Officers Officer Responsibilities

The Vice President shall: Assist the President in their duties. Assume the President’s responsibilities in their absence. Coordinate all conferences. Keep accurate records of all meetings in the Secretary’s absence. Plan and be responsible...

President Responsibilities

Officers Officer Responsibilities

The President shall: Supervise and coordinate the activities of the organization.  Preside over all meetings and call all meetings to order. Maintain communication with the Office of Student Involvement and/or Student Engagement (Downtown) and ensur...

Secretary Responsibilities

Officers Officer Responsibilities

The Secretary shall: Notify members of meetings via email, discord, and/or telephone at least 48 hours in advance. Keep accurate minutes and records of all meetings. Maintain an accurate list of members and their contact information. Prepar...

Treasurer Responsibilities

Officers Officer Responsibilities

The Treasurer shall: Keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended. Present a budget report of deposits and expenditures to the membership at least once per month, and as requested by the President, Vice President, advisor, or Office of...

Social Media and Marketing Officer Responsibilities

Officers Officer Responsibilities

The Social Media and Marketing Officer shall: Curate the organization's social media accounts. Oversee the maintenance of the content and design of the website. Oversee any efforts pertaining to club art creation Assist in special projects ...

Lab Manager Responsibilities

Officers Officer Responsibilities

The Lab Manager Shall: Maintain an inventory of the lab Monitor tool condition Manage surplus of equipment Monitor the overall condition and cleanliness of the lab Oversee lab cleaning days Oversee safety procedures Assist in...

Outreach and Recruitment Officer Responsibilities

Officers Officer Responsibilities

The Outreach and Recruitment Officer shall: Coordinate student recruitment efforts. Curate the organization's social media accounts. Maintain correspondence with existing sponsors. Manage the overall effort of the club to procure new sponso...

ROS2 Container to container communication


To-Do Determine why multicast send and receive are not working on our network. More testing with other ROS2 packages. Setup In this setup, we have two containers: The Boston Dynamics ROS2 Spot ROS2 container in the an extension file build using th...

Camera Streams

Resources Spot SDK Guides

This is an Spot-SDK python example edited by John Sermarini. Basically it stiches together Spot's front two RGB cameras and streams them back to the users computer. This stream can be unreliable and be intensive to run. No current work is being done to optimi...

[Template for meeting notes]

AGV 2023 Meeting Notes

Date Meeting goals Meeting Notes What was completed?   What is in progress?   What is the goal for the next meeting? Images  

Electrical 2024 Meeting notes

AGV 2023 Electrical

11/15/23 Meeting goals Cleanup wiring on the robot Add Logic Level Shifter Schematic to the main schematic Meeting Notes We added the logic level shifter high voltage selector circuit. This circuit consists of 4 pin headers with 3 of the pins in line ...